Don't hesitate to knock us for the Hepatitis B Virus E Antigen test.

 The early detection of COVID-19-related cases and prompt treatment to the treatment and isolation can help to stop the transmission chain of COVID-19. However, laboratory testing (RT-PCR test) of COVID-19-positive samples is a long-winded procedure. Self-testing, rapid antigen testing kits come into the scene. They're a cost-effective way to test for COVID-19 right at your home. They provide fast results, resulting in prompt treatment and isolation if required. They can also be used for regular screening of asymptomatic/symptomatic individuals which can help restore a sense of safety and reassurance as we take small steps to return to academic, professional, or social life amidst this pandemic. In light of that, Abbott has launched the Panbio(TM) COVID-19 self-testing kit that can detect the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 virus) antigen for children and adults with or with no symptoms. Learn more here Do not hesitate to ask us to inquire about the Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Virus E antigen testing.

Hepatitis B is a viral disease that causes inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis B test results can reveal the presence of the hepatitis B virus, previous exposure to HBV, or the ability to resist the virus. HBV can be transmitted through contact with bodily fluids. The majority of the time, it's transferred through blood-to-blood contact, however, it can also be transmitted through other bodily fluids. The common ways of being exposed to HBV vary according to the region but usually occur in the early stages of childbirth as well as when needles are shared to inject drugs, or in unprotected sexual sex. A hepatitis B infection could be chronic or acute. Acute hepatitis B can be a short-lived infection. Patients who recover completely from acute hepatitis B without treatment in one up to 6 months. About 5%-10 percent of patients suffering from acute hepatitis B become chronically hepatitis B. Chronic hepatitis is a disease that lasts for at least six months. Patients suffering from chronic hepatitis B are at a higher chance of developing complications, which include liver damage or liver failure, as well as liver failure, and even liver cancer.

Hepatitis B E antibody is a soluble viral protein. It is discovered in the early stages of acute Hepatitis B and then disappears shortly after ALT levels reach their highest. The presence of HBeAg for more than three months following the onset of the illness is uncommon and could suggest the progression of chronic infection. In patients suffering from chronic hepatitis B, The positive presence of HBeAg usually indicates a high degree of viral replication, and consequently the possibility of infection. HBeAg is found to be positive during the phase of immune tolerance and also in the initial stages of immune clearance. HBeAg seroconversion is the loss of HBeAg and the appearance of the hepatitis B E antigen (anti-HBe). 

Women expecting babies are screened for a different antigen that is the hepatitis B antigen on the surface (HBsAg) which also reveals an active infection caused by hepatitis B. If this result is negative, then the HBeAg test could be conducted together with tests like the HBV DNA concentration, also known as the viral load test, and the Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test to determine liver function. When the HBeAg tests positive and it is recommended that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the mother be seen by an expert right away for medical attention until delivery.2 If it is positive if HBeAg test is negative, the baby is required to be treated using active and passive vaccination (both HBIG and Hepatitis B vaccine) to protect the baby from being infected.

Patients with chronic Hepatitis B may experience seroconversion, which is the result of levels of HBeAg decreasing until they are undetectable as levels of anti-HBe antibody develop.3 This is considered to be an indication of a positive future and a sign that treatment is effective. Antigens are proteins that trigger an immune response, which causes the body to make antibodies that fight off invading organisms. When you have hepatitis B it's normal to check for the Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) as well as the hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg). These antigens attach to the inside as well as the exterior of the virus. The hepatitis B E-antigen is distinct. It's a protein that the virus produces and releases. It doesn't circulate when connected to the virus but is instead free in the tissues and bloodstream. It's made when the virus is growing, which is an indication that you're suffering from an active infection. Also, people who are in contact with your blood or bodily fluids are at risk of contracting this virus. Don't hesitate to knock us for the Hepatitis B Virus E Antigen test. PRS Biosciences is the most reputed company for this test in Potters Bar. For more details, visit us through our website.

PRS Biosciences

Station Close, Potters Bar EN6 1TL, United Kingdom



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