Sleep Apnea in Beverly, Massachusetts: What You Need to Know

Most people think that sleep apnea is a problem for those who are overweight, but this isn't true. Sleep apnea can affect anyone and it's important to know the risks so you can take steps to protect your health. In this blog post, we'll discuss. It is caused by a lack of airflow during sleep, which prevents the brain from receiving enough oxygen. Many people don't know what sleep apnea is or think they can ignore it because it's not dangerous, but this serious disorder affects more than 18 million Americans and costs billions each year. Sleep apnea won't kill you, but a lack of treatment can make your days miserable – and devastate your health. Exceptional Sleep and TMJ

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. When your breathing pauses, you'll briefly wake up because of the lack of oxygen to your brain and body. You may not remember waking up or know that you stopped breathing, but others might notice when you pause breathing hundreds of times every night! It can also cause high blood pressure and increase your risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other health problems. This debilitating condition won’t kill its victims. However, it will affect their quality of life by making them feel tired all day long no matter how much they rest at night. There are effective treatments available once diagnosed with this disorder such as ventilation devices (AP) or surgery if need be. Exceptional Sleep and TMJ  A  Sleep Apnea in Beverly, MA

If you're tired of feeling exhausted and run down, there's a solution to your problems that might be closer than you think! Our team will work with you to find the right treatment for your sleep apnea so that you can wake up refreshed every day! Symptoms of sleep apnea can range from snoring to a complete lack of breathing. Snoring is the most common indicator, but it's not always loud enough for others to hear. Symptoms can vary from person to person and often depend on how severe their condition has become. Some people may only snore while others will stop breathing entirely throughout the night causing them to wake up multiple times each night without even realizing it. This makes getting restful sleep almost impossible which means they are tired during the day and this fatigue causes other health problems as well such as weight gain due to low energy which causes. Other symptoms can include: headaches, mood swings, dry mouth or throat in the morning, poor concentration/memory, and being excessively tired during the day. The list goes on but these are all signals that something is wrong with your sleep cycle so it's important to see a doctor if you suspect anything. Exceptional Sleep and TMJ  A  TMD Pain Beverly


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